Traditional Thai Massage in Clonmel

Clonmel Thai Therapy

Professionally trained massage and beauty therapist with many years experience.


Welcome to Clonmel Thai Therapy. We offer many types of massage and beauty treatments. There are many benefits to our sessions including but not limited to – treating injuries, relieving muscle tensions and improved sleep quality. Massage is also a great way to unwind, relax and reduce stress. We look forward to hearing from you.


Massage is an ancient tradition that still lives on today as it is a great way to treat your body and mind. We offer many different styles of massage and the pressure can be tailored to the individual to ensure they relax while helping relieve knots and muscle tension. Traditional Thai massage is a combination of yoga, stretching and acupressure that works with the body´s energy lines while warm oil massage is a more relaxing form of massage, where odorless oils or aromatic oils are used. You work with calm movements over the whole body, more focused on muscle kneading and relaxation.

Treat yourself to a relaxing moment with a classic massage

Let us take care of you for a while.
We offer many treatments from head to toe. Welcome!